Professional Logo Design Services for Your Brand

Professional Logo Design Services for Your Brand

GoldenWing creates your professional logo design, which is characterized by uniqueness and expressiveness. A striking company logo contributes significantly to the creation of your brand identity, remains in the memory of your customers and sets you apart from the competition. We not only offer the creation of new logos, but also modernize existing ones on request. Our experienced graphic designers also take care of branded business stationery and printed materials such as notepads, business cards and envelopes. We also take on logo redesigns and the entire corporate design of your company.

Let our experienced graphic designers create your expressive logo now.

Professional Logo Design Services for Your Brand

Your advantages with GoldenWing - your agency for company logo design

Benefit from the many advantages that GoldenWing offers as your logo design agency. Our wide range of services helps your company to stand out visually from the competition.

GoldenWing recognises the uniqueness of your company and your customers. That’s why we develop customised logos and designs that clearly set your company apart from the competition.

Our graphic designers at GoldenWing have many years of experience in logo design. We create meaningful logos that characterize your online presence and your printed matter.

GoldenWing offers solutions for every budget. We specialize in working with small and local businesses that have limited advertising budgets.

Make your company visually distinctive!

Stand out from the competition with meaningful logos!

Our logo design services

We create unique, meaningful logo designs for every customer.

In einem unverbindlichen und kostenlosen Erstgespräch bei GoldenWing lernen wir Sie und Ihr Unternehmen kennen. Dies gibt uns Einblicke in Ihre Unternehmensphilosophie und Marktpositionierung, was uns ermöglicht, ein Firmenlogo zu gestalten, das Ihre Marke optimal repräsentiert.
Ein Logo dient dazu, Ihr Unternehmen von Mitbewerbern abzugrenzen und ihm ein einzigartiges, individuelles Profil zu verleihen. Bei GoldenWing legen wir deshalb besonderen Wert darauf, dass jedes neue Logo-Design Einzigartigkeit und hohen Wiedererkennungswert bietet.
Wenn Sie bei GoldenWing ein neues Firmenlogo erstellen lassen, legen wir großen Wert darauf, dass es sich in Ihrer Branche durch Einzigartigkeit und Klarheit auszeichnet. Wir berücksichtigen dabei nicht nur Ihr spezifisches Unternehmensprofil, sondern analysieren auch Ihre Mitbewerber, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Logo Sie deutlich von der Konkurrenz abhebt.

Have a unique logo created now.

Creative designs for an unmistakable corporate image!

Further services in the area of logo design

Our team of talented graphic designers is excited to work with you on a unique and meaningful logo for your business. We take a close look at your brand identity to create a design that visually expresses your company philosophy and goals and leaves a strong, recognizable impression. With our expertise in visual communication and our commitment to creativity, we bring out the uniqueness of your company.

corporate identity wien

Corparate identity (branding)

GoldenWing not only creates your new company logo, but also designs your entire corporate design. We ensure a professional appearance for your company that will be remembered. Whether it’s your website or the design of your door sign – GoldenWing is the ideal partner for the visual appearance of your company.

corporate design branding wien

Logo redesign & vectorization

In addition to designing new company logos, we also offer the redesign of existing logos. By vectorizing your logo, we ensure that it can be adapted without any loss of quality. This enables the versatile use of your company logo in all advertising media, both print and digital.

corporate design branding wien

Have a meaningful logo design created now

Our dedicated graphics team is looking forward to working on your project and contributing with creative ideas and professional expertise to an impressive result that perfectly reflects your corporate vision.